Tag: 35mm

  • Peony Leisure

    Peony Leisure

    Among spring flowers the peony rains supreme. The ground level royal companion who so elegantly follows the twin beauty of the cherry blossom. Two flowers worthy of Japan warrant a haiku.

  • Heaven Scent

    Heaven Scent

    Come for the dreamy lilac photograph that looks so good you can almost smell it, and stay for the haiku—it’s short by definition.

  • The April Fool

    The April Fool

    Moody 35mm photo of a yellow daffodil blossom evokes dreams of poetry, even if it a bit unwieldily. Here the photographer muses over the fools in life he assume they know it all.

  • Autumn Intonation

    Autumn Intonation

    Autumn sings its beauty in mysterious, esoteric ways. Yet the comprehension is there if only we take the time to look and listen. The beauty of autumn reveals a promised truth: rebirth and renewal is always there waiting for us. Take a moment to listen and observe the songs nature speaks.

  • Walled Off

    Walled Off

    Located in Wharton State Forest in Hammonton, New Jersey, Batsto Village makes for a great outdoor destination. This historic old iron works town dating back to the 18th century is a portal to the past. It’s an idyllic destination for photographers of all stripes.

  • Born of the Purple

    Born of the Purple

    Life is full of happy accidents. We must take them as they come, for they are cherished boons. The lesson—missing out on a thing does not mean we lose a thing. Instead it gifts opportunity to see a thing in a different, more diffuse and loving light. We work with what we’ve got, and that…

  • Green Sight

    Green Sight

    Served here a dreamy 35mm photo of a lilac blossom. Shot wide open at f/1.4, it features soft focus and smooth bokeh, cross processed to a green hue. As we lose ourselves in the fantasy of this photograph, we muse upon our futures.

  • Love and Lilacs

    Love and Lilacs

    Love and lilacs. Lilacs and love. Pink and purple pastel beauties surpassed in sweetness only by their unmistakable perfume. Dating back to the ancient world purple marked out royalty.

  • Our Light Fades

    Our Light Fades

    The shortest day of the year is here. December 21, 2019, marks the winter solstice. Eager to chase light and document this celestial event, it is not lost on me how nature and the broader world mirror my own darkness. Yet as it it will forever be, light will rise in the east come to…