Update: gonna be one short for the show. The big guy, Winter has its ways will not be making an appearance. It’s all for the best, though.
Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.
Exciting things are happening this weekend. The M.T. Burton Gallery is hosting its first ever Summer Art Opener featuring eight local artists—including myself! Gulp.
This is a pretty big first for me. I’ve never shown my work. Hell, aside from a framed print I donated for a charity auction last summer, I’ve never even had prints ordered up before. Until now I’ve stuck purely to digital images posted online only. That’s been my comfort zone.
Now I’m out of it. I’m stepping into unchartered territory, and not without trepidation. I’ve got to be honest, were my friends Jeff Ruemeli (hand blown glass art) and Ben Wurst (reclaimed woodworking) not also participating there’s no way I’d have the courage to go through with this. Power in numbers and all that jazz.
As for the event, it’s going down this weekend June 6th–8th at the M.T. Burton Gallery in Surf City, New Jersey. If you’re out and about on Long Beach Island this weekend looking for something different to do, stop by and say hello. There’s activities planned for both Friday and Saturday evening—featuring live music, a clam bake, juggling, and more!
The gallery above represents the ten photographs I’ve selected for the show. Special and serious shout out to Ben Wurst who’s done all the custom reclaimed framing. The work looks spectacular and it wouldn’t be anywhere near as good without his splendid touch. Seriously man, thank you.
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