Tag: purple coneflower
Liquid Lunch
I made the most of strong midday sun and an anxious butterfly battling for a sip. While I may have contributed to this silver-spotted skipper’s general unease, to be sure it was a dive bombing carpenter bee who proved the true villain. Selfish to the last this boring bee, not content with undermining wooden structures,…
This One’s for the Introverts
Photography as metaphor? Perhaps. Despite taking this photograph two weeks ago to the day, it wasn’t until last night that this image made a connection to my own self, and my own experience of the world. You see last night I finally made it out to one of the weekly free concerts at Harvey Cedars…
La Grain
While they may not get the same play on social media like my vibrant landscapes are wont to do, a big soft spot in my heart exists solely to express myself through the macro and black and white medium. Five minutes on a psychologist’s couch would most likely reveal this proclivity as a merger between…
Daedalus Bid You Take Heed
This is abstract. Is this abstract? I think this is abstract. A quick googling of abstract art returns the following— art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures. Once I decided to roll with low key black and white processing, all my mind…
Just Missed The Round Up
Here’s another shot from last Sunday’s macro session. And as the title would suggest I just missed my focal point. You can see the sharpest section of the photo happening over the silver-spotted skipper’s right wing instead of its eye and proboscis—thanks Google for letting me know what a butterfly tongue is called. This mess-up…
Yum Yum Bumblebee
Slacker Greg is is running a bit of a backlog so I beggin’ your pardon if my words are short—though let’s face it you’re here for the photos and not these silly word things, right? Right!? Bloggers . . . Anyways, this photo dates back to 25th July, and you’ll see something of a theme…
Live alone in a paradise
. . . that makes me think of two. Here’s a flower for your Friday. I hope you enjoy it. This is one of my purple coneflowers that I have potted (sloppily) in my backyard. With strong light overhead, a little to my back, I fixed bayonets macro lens and popped off a few shutters.…
I like the shallow depth of field. — Greg Molyneux (@gregmolyneux) July 12, 2015 It was just this past Sunday I dropped such deep knowledge on the Twitters. Insert very strong sarcasm. Flippancy aside I really do like the shallow depth of field. Recognizing its existence was for me revelatory. As someone who spent the…
The last of us
Just a guy getting in the very last his purple coneflowers have to offer. My potted echinacea are last men standing (barely), and I wanted to get in some eleventh hour shots before final decay. As afternoon light was pouring in over the rooftop I grabbed the camera and went for a slightly upward perspective…