Happy accidents are a thing. Bob Ross was right, because, well of course he was. Made on August 18, 2019, this photograph happened on your typical balmy late summer afternoon. Heat and humidity do wonderful things to camera and lens gear left napping within under cool, air conditioned climes. And by wonderful things I mean annoying, undesirable scientific reaction type things. Cool glass, you see, is want to put on a water condensation show and fog up with pride.
This is all rather bush-league on my part, having thought I learned better long ago. Even though the preflight checklist remains the same, a lazy oversight is bound to happen. Nevertheless, it was with fogged 100mm macro lens in hand I made some soft, almost fantastical photos of a Black-eyed Susan in my front yard. Coupled with soft focus, shallow depth of field, and boatloads of bokeh, the ample fog sets us adrift. Unmoored, we slow down, detached from our present world invited into a softer, kinder land. There is possibility here, the rough edges worked out by soft and inviting flower petals. A warm touch from a welcoming hand, asking us to join in the splendor otherwise shrouded by clarity.
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