Tag: black and white

  • Testing the water

    For months now I’ve had my eye on an ND filter. I’ve been coveting the sublime long exposure work of talented fine art photographers and hoped to someday begin learning their craft and working it into my repertoire. After a bit of research—and some savings—I figured out everything I’d need to get a filter mounted…

  • A subtle loss of clarity

    Yesterday—this being posted a day late—was shaping up as one of those sunsets that look good on paper. A quick look out the window 90 minutes prior to the sun’s scheduled egress looked promising; bountiful clouds with dramatic bottom-side shadows littered the sky. I was pleased. Yet as it has done so many times before,…

  • Snow noir

    Nighttime snow will forever mean one thing: incessant checking of the streetlights for evidence—and intensity—of falling snow. Snow lovers know what I’m talking about. This winter has been somewhat vexing. There’s been plenty of snow but not enough opportunity for my camera and me to exploit it. With tonight’s passing clipper, I was not to…

  • Kicking Around on a Piece of Ground in your Home Town

    I remember photographing this Small Blue butterfly like it was yesterday. She made for the most patient of subjects, giving me a solid five minutes to position, hone in and shoot. I intentionally underexposed for a low key effect, and then in post processing with Sliver Efex Pro 2 I bumped up the brightness on…