Tag: 35mm
The distance between insufferable isolation and serene solitude is near indistinguishable. It’s as if both states coexist as two layers laid atop each other. It’s a parallel world of contentedness vs. suffering. We must be cautious when decided someone’s loneliness for them, for we may never know if they are roiling or at peace. Therefore…
Peace Where We Can
It’s been hard to relax these past few years. No one needs me to cite the manifold reasons why. More important is we stay humble and open, and apply ourselves to finding peace wherever we can. This is how we overcome together. So be kind and gentle—and let’s go Yanks!
The Call Back
Is the call coming back? Has the voice imploring me to return to making photographs grown louder and more urgent in recent weeks? Can I find inspiration and growth in making photographs once again? Is there more waiting for me in this space? I hope so, and I think so.
The Worn One
Observing the lifecycle of flowers—from bloom to doom—sets the mind thinking to our own aging arc. At middle age the flower of my youth is long gone making all this time alone more intense and frightening.
All Blur
Displeased to report photography has been something of a chore these past few months. Here’s hoping there’s a chance to rediscover some of the magical respite I have benefited from these past 10 years.
Peony Leisure
Among spring flowers the peony rains supreme. The ground level royal companion who so elegantly follows the twin beauty of the cherry blossom. Two flowers worthy of Japan warrant a haiku.
Heaven Scent
Come for the dreamy lilac photograph that looks so good you can almost smell it, and stay for the haiku—it’s short by definition.
The April Fool
Moody 35mm photo of a yellow daffodil blossom evokes dreams of poetry, even if it a bit unwieldily. Here the photographer muses over the fools in life he assume they know it all.
Autumn Intonation
Autumn sings its beauty in mysterious, esoteric ways. Yet the comprehension is there if only we take the time to look and listen. The beauty of autumn reveals a promised truth: rebirth and renewal is always there waiting for us. Take a moment to listen and observe the songs nature speaks.