Tag: self portrait

  • Hair Points West

    Hair Points West

    Sometimes a fleeting thought rises up through the dusty burned out barnyard that is my brain and implores me to do more portrait work. Then I quickly remember my own fears and the notion fades faster than a military barber buzzing out a high and tight. It is something I’d like to work on, but…

  • Lookout Landing

    Lookout Landing

    Does this count as self portraiture? I’m not certain but this may count for salvaging a sunset shoot. How salvaged? Only you can be the judge of that. Sunset sits the saddle of boom or bust. For a moment yesterday seemed headed for boom town, but instead just kinda petered out into grey-blue darkness. But…

  • What lies beyond?

    Get back to where you once belong I once was a blogger and now I blog again—only this time with photographs. I’d say for the past month or so I’ve been putting slightly more than a passing thought to having my own website once again. In a past life moonlighting as a web designer, I…