Tag: sunset point
Low tide allowance
Today’s photo excursion began in Harvey Cedars, moved to Surf City, and ended in Ship Bottom. Harvey Cedars and Surf City were total busts as it seems Long Beach Island is now near void of exposed jetty rock. This is for the best environmentally as the beaches have been built up and reinforced by a…
On point
Here’s a holdover from last night’s shoot at Ship Bottom’s cloistered sunset park aptly named, Sunset Point. I made this shot from seven bracketed exposures; I took them just before I loaded up my ND filter and made yesterday’s long exposure. I’m using the jetty rock as a natural leading line, pointing out the action…
Passing time
I did a bit of impromptu exploring today. Initially I went east to Sunset Park in Surf City but as soon as I arrived I just wasn’t feeling it. The tide was up and I couldn’t make a good angle. I got back in my car and moved on. In doing so I was daydreaming,…