Tag: cedar run dock road
The distance between insufferable isolation and serene solitude is near indistinguishable. It’s as if both states coexist as two layers laid atop each other. It’s a parallel world of contentedness vs. suffering. We must be cautious when decided someone’s loneliness for them, for we may never know if they are roiling or at peace. Therefore…
Peace Where We Can
It’s been hard to relax these past few years. No one needs me to cite the manifold reasons why. More important is we stay humble and open, and apply ourselves to finding peace wherever we can. This is how we overcome together. So be kind and gentle—and let’s go Yanks!
Blue Too
2021, you win. I am burnt out. The stressors of life are closing in like a vice, and escape seems more an impossibility than some far off thing that will come eventually. I am tapped out and in serious need of a break.
The Call Back
Is the call coming back? Has the voice imploring me to return to making photographs grown louder and more urgent in recent weeks? Can I find inspiration and growth in making photographs once again? Is there more waiting for me in this space? I hope so, and I think so.
All Blur
Displeased to report photography has been something of a chore these past few months. Here’s hoping there’s a chance to rediscover some of the magical respite I have benefited from these past 10 years.
The Sea Moves
Let’s explore a photography technique that intentionally introduces motion blur into the finished image. Combine steady hands, confident, steady motion and a lazy shutter to produce stunning minimalist photographs. The effect of motion brings a painterly touch to heighten the drama.
All I See
A wide sweeping horizon, flat and unbroken is a challenge. It is a call to action to look upon all its possibility to make a choice. What will you make of this blank canvas? How will you harness its limitless options to make one your own? What is that you see? Out there and inside…
From Solitude
A life in solitude may yet be a life well lived. Trials and tribulations shape the isolated travelers journey through this life. In solitude exploration and self discovery take place. A chance to uncover who we are and what we’re all about. His is the path of solitude.
The Winter Look
The winter sunset, man. My favorite photograph to make. A holy ember unique unto herself in the pantheon of seasonal sunsets. The depth and vibrancy of color coupled with a singular clarity to the air creates the perfect environment for striking cloud colors. These are cold moments made to leave you breathless.