Seldom have a rolled the dice with a minimally charged battery. As a photographer with a habit of shooting sans CF card, I figure the least I can do to bolster my workflow is ensure my battery is charged. Just not on this day.
The skies were filled with some ominous clouds this day and sunset shooting seemed a must. Instead of my go-to Dock Road spot, I took a bit of a longer drive to Great Bay Boulevard. The extra gas paid off. As I was shooting an incredible sunset casting deep blues and fierce purples my battery indicator began flashing. Red. Pause. Red. Pause. Breathe. Pause. Red. Pause.
It was then that I turned around. And yeah, this happened. With my battery on its last and my heart pounding, I spun my camera’s tripod mount, framed my shot, and exposed. I was able to rifle off the shots I need and come up with this picture. Other than a touch of sharpening, this color is straight out of camera—I’ve yet to see the natural light so pink. What an awesome day.
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