Tag: rainbow

  • From One End To The Other

    From One End To The Other

    Kicking it back to Sunday again. With light so good you know there’s gonna be at least a few photographs posted from what was a jaw-dropping 15 minute light show. With rain once again falling as the final moments of sun pulsed through a narrow opening in the cloud deck to the west an eastbound and…

  • Let’s Talk About the Weather

    Let’s Talk About the Weather

    I’ve been sitting on these two photos for days; sulking in my own prison, shackled by the nonsense sentencing of my own perfectionist imposition. In some kind of martyred protest for the way events unfolded this past Tuesday, June 23rd. In other words acting like a petulant child. I’ll spare the minutia but Tuesday started…

  • Somewhere

    Seldom have a rolled the dice with a minimally charged battery. As a photographer with a habit of shooting sans CF card, I figure the least I can do to bolster my workflow is ensure my battery is charged. Just not on this day. The skies were filled with some ominous clouds this day and…