HDR photograph of a fiery sunset mirrored over reflective water

Ruinous Splendor

HDR photograph of a fiery sunset mirrored over reflective water
Ruinous Splendor — 14mm | f/8 | ISO 100 | 7 Bracketed Exposures

I — II — II — X . . . if roman numerals are your thing.

How about tonight’s sunset, New Jersey? Conditions from Great Bay Boulevard were just about as good as it gets—30+ minutes of standout light play working off intricate cloud structures overtop reflective bay water. If air guitar’s your thing, now would be the time.

Normally in this situation I settle into my composition quite naturally. It’s a rare area of decisiveness for me, and I almost wholly rely on my first instinct and ride out that whim compositionally. Usually a quick walkthrough of my target location—stopping occasionally to just look down the viewfinder from at most a handful of positions and angles. Once that’s locked in I grab my tripod, dial in, and wait. Wait for the big time color that comes after the sun goes down. Free and easy, just how I like it.

This afternoon on the other hand I was all out sorts, bouncing around from spot to spot struggling to find the ideal angle to shoot. At first I thought I had it  only to be moments later second guessing myself. This process repeated several times over. For the next twenty minutes or so. Down to the end, really. This photograph here came seconds after full sprint running, camera still fixed to tripod from the spot I thought I was going to ultimately choose—I will share its photograph here tomorrow.

Suffice to say today I was fated to work for it. And that’s OK, because you know what? That sky tonight was incredible and it was good to feel the pressure of wanting to make the absolute most of a rare opportunity before it fades. Or maybe this was just an ill-timed dance with perfection questioning my best? Even so, I’m choosing to take this experience as an overwhelming positive. Start to finish tonight’s shoot was just awesome. Easily the best of the year. Would do it again.

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6 responses to “Ruinous Splendor”

  1. […] still basking in the glow of last night’s awesomesauce. And as much as I like the photograph posted last night, this one beats it out ever so slightly as far as I’m concerned. I realize we’re […]

  2. […] Credit: Ruinous Splendor by Greg Molyneux Photography (actual crop […]

  3. […] Bay Boulevard to photograph today I recalled the wise words of Ben Wurst, instructing me to shoot here as often as possible fore it may soon be […]

  4. […] feedback and kind words are invaluable. Anecdotally I definitely need some more metal prints as Ruinous Splendor printed on mounted aluminum was the real talk of the day. This kind of real life market research […]

  5. […] little doubt Rand’s Marina has rocketed up my list of favorite spots to photograph. The cedar pole and bay water combination […]

  6. […] however, I came close. In what I can only describe as the spiritual successor to Ruinous Splendor—changed only by time. Made just over five years apart at near the same exact track of bulkhead I […]

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