I made this photograph with my tripod set upon the swim platform of my parents’ pontoon boat. They have kept their boat at Cedar Run Dock Road since September 2015, yet it was not until July 2020 I began shooting on location. A definite miss on my part. Their slip affords a wide view of Cedar Run creek making an ideal spot for mirrored reflections in still water.
This watery mirror has me thinking on my own life. It also affords an opportunity to share some quick reflections about myself with you. So here goes—I:
- am 37 years old, and I live alone in Manahawkin, NJ
- have lived in New Jersey my entire life
- grew up in East Brunswick until uprooting to Manahawkin in summer 1993
- earned a B.S. in Business Administration at The College of New Jersey
- began making photographs in 2012
- work for Johnson & Johnson
- have a younger brother and sister still living and rocking in their 20s
- struggle with insecurity, anxiety, and depression
- use Oxford commas
- insist we normalize therapy as OK
- practice yoga, make time for long walks daily, and jog when my back allows it
- had a catheter ablation in 2016 to correct atrial fibrillation
- had melanoma removed behind my right ear the same year
- am blessed with an amazing core of friends
- value trust, loyalty, and integrity in high honor
- am layered and take a good long while to open up—think peeling back an onion
- practice patience
- am captivated and awed by individuals who perform any task at a high level
- find inspiration in passion
- enjoy writing
- use a dictionary on the regular
- listen to audiobooks
- make silly song parodies
- cannot carry a tune
- am awkward, shy, and weird
- allow fear to guide the ship too often
- am afraid of small talk
- teach myself new things
- am learning to cook
- strive to generosity
- believe in peace
- hide from conflict
- nurture introversion
- flex to extroversion
- honor nature
- marvel at space
- seek spirituality in the universe
- know dissent is patriotic
- will never stop chasing sunsets
- support #YankeesOnly
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