For the cloud fans among us

In this HDR sunset photograph, large puffy clouds illuminate the sky in the final minutes of sun.
For the cloud fans among us — 14mm | f/8 | ISO 100 | 7 Bracketed Exposures

A few thoughts from tonight’s shoot:

  • The tide was up
  • The northern wind was blowing
  • The light was great—especially early—this was taken about 30 minutes before sunset
  • The light was downhill from there—continuing the recent trend of better light before sunset
  • The cumulus clouds were putting on a good show

September continues to prove itself a great month for photographs.





One response to “For the cloud fans among us”

  1. […] came away with two shots from last night’s sunset shoot. The one I posted yesterday and the one you see above. Only minutes after the first photograph, the sky had undergone a rapid […]

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