Tag: cedar run dock road

  • Tranquility Tones

    Tranquility Tones

    The evening approaches and cotton candy clouds thread across the sky. Pastels dance upon the strings. Stoic marsh grasses stand tall while glass calm waters reflect back the sunset tableau as would a mirror.

  • Wisps of Fate

    Wisps of Fate

    Life is hard. Salvos of burden, stress, and let downs fire across our bows whenever they are least wanted. Some shots finding their quarry. Yet if we look to nature we can find salvation and remember the beauty of life. The strength in every sunset.

  • Late Summer

    Late Summer

    Late summer is a time of reflection. On life, on time, and on the other things that reflect past, present, and future. We age and the clock moves faster still, yet nothing gives the arrow of time pause like a slow sunset burn. If only for a few moments all takes a pause and we…

  • Double Down

    Double Down

    How about a little summertime partner yoga on the salt marsh? Check in as I photograph yogis Rose Dease and Adam Binder doing partner yoga atop Aperion Yoga’s Twilight Blush yoga mat. Look on as they work asana magic astride the double yellow lines of Cedar Run Dock Road in downward-facing dog and an L-shaped…

  • Hop, Skip, and a Jump

    Hop, Skip, and a Jump

    Summer sunsets on the salt marsh. Does it get better? I invite you to come along with me as I share with you a summer stunner as the sun set upon the Cedar Run Dock Road marsh at its absolute peak. It’s moments like this that make me love being a landscape photographer.

  • Placid


    When stillness, pastels, and glassy reflections meet at the salt marsh you can breathe it all in and smile inside because summer is here. Let your eyes gaze upon the calming oxbow feature framed by swaying marsh grasses and hum your favorite song. Placid moments are the spice of life.

  • You See

    You See

    A sublime pastel sunset over late June salt marsh has me questioning my own assumptions. Where has the green marsh gone? As sunset light reflects upon the marsh, I, too, reflect on if what I thought knew was true. Despite seeing the same place over and over for years you can “observe a lot by…

  • Marsh Moods

    Marsh Moods

    Windswept marsh bows low as the sustained winds usher in from the northeast. Brooding gray clouds dominate the sky, but they do little to pushback the energy infusion coursing through a marsh reborn. It all comes together to make a striking salt marsh photograph made late in the day at Cedar Run Dock Road.

  • Hit the Pavement

    Hit the Pavement

    Get low. You will come across this command often in your development as a shooter. It is especially common for us plying our trade in the landscape photography niche. Get low. Get the shot. Get the viewer in. Throwing a quick and dirty best guess out into the universe, I would ballpark I make some…