Tag: 35mm
No Focus
The is magic in motion, and you can bring movement into your frame by moving your camera as you make your shot. This simple technique can transform any scene.
A smooth sheet of ice if a metaphor for cohesion. A coming together of tiny molecules in their quadrillions brought together by environmental forces to unify and grow stronger together. Apply some heat and friction and attack it where its weakest and it fractures and devolves back to liquid. Will we let the heat and…
There’s something incredible that happens to our salt marsh mid-Atlantic world when it becomes locked in ice. The patterns, the fractals, the color and the grace emerge with a size, strength, and grace unto its own. It’s transformative and an absolute joy to photograph.
What is about ropes? Especially the old ones. The thicker and more worn the better. What are the stories it keeps wound tight in its faded brains stretched across time?
Warm Fuzzy
2024 is come to an end. But the salt marsh keeps giving. Reflect a moment on friends, family, hobbies, and connections. Be better to make the world better.
The Morning Look
Here I take a moment to both relish in a rare (for me) sunrise photograph, and the joy in panning my shot for some motion blur landscape abstraction. In the written work, I take to explaining what it is about panning that pleases my tastes so well. I break it down to four areas: color,…
Fish On
2023 has proven a banner year of fall run striped bass fishing up and down New Jersey beaches. While I have no bass to show for it, it’s been great to get back out there with family and friends. Pictured here is my cousin, Dan Molyneux, plugging for striper at sunrise off the beaches of…
Standard Orbit
The Longwood Gardens conservatory is a sight to behold. The crowning jewel atop acres of grounds fit for any court. It is here I encountered the majestic hanging baskets bursting with hydrangea paced about 20 feet apart. An orbital welcome, a floral chandelier guiding me about this aged, overground manse.