Here’s a taste of last night’s sunset sauce. Man, it’s been a minute since I’ve photographed from Stafford Forge. Most of this has to do with my new car and the subsequent obsessive compulsive disorder that comes with it. Can’t be having dings, dents, and scratches says my anxious mind. And since the Forge requires some non-asphalt treading I’ve given in to fear and stayed clear. Last night—after a six month self-imposed exile—I returned to a fine stretch of land that’s made for some solid photos in the past. The timing is right, too, as the sun angle from this locale is best served in the winter months when the sun orients itself at its most southwest position.
While last nigh’t sunset doesn’t slot into that ZOMG level it was still pleasant to take in. Winter color is not to be trifled with. When you combine a cold air mass with some mid and high level clouds you’ve got a recipe for intense coloration. The saturation of red and orange burned vividly even as it was cast upon rapidly dissipating cloud cover. Had we had a higher deck of cirrus clouds I think the ever elusive purple tones may have come to bare. (Purple is my favorite color of the sunset rainbow, by the way. I wonder if purple having the shortest wavelength affects why it renders itself less frequently than the other colors?) Nevertheless it was great to be back out in nature tucked behind these three happy little trees. They were kind enough to let me join in on their power trio while offering their services as a suitable foreground prop. Cheers, fellas.
Coming up in the not too distant future? My annual best of retrospective. It’ll be up on December 24, 2016, so I best get cracking on my top 12. With any luck I can squeeze out one more quality shot before the post goes up.
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