Tag: derelict
What is about ropes? Especially the old ones. The thicker and more worn the better. What are the stories it keeps wound tight in its faded brains stretched across time?
Walled Off
Located in Wharton State Forest in Hammonton, New Jersey, Batsto Village makes for a great outdoor destination. This historic old iron works town dating back to the 18th century is a portal to the past. It’s an idyllic destination for photographers of all stripes.
I Look at the Floor and I See it Needs Sweeping
You’ll find no nature here. Only aged remains of a disued shack left to dereliction. What happens when we’re gone? When all else fades but the ruins of a life gone by? When the fire has gone out and time comes along to reclaim fashioned resources back to dust? Undefeated is time. The second law…