Or perhaps titled, Take your own advice?
On the upside I got to shoot a sunset from a new spot and that’s always exciting. As hindsight will explain, I just should have been more patient about it.
This past Tuesday, perched at the rear of Sunset Cove in Bowleys Quarters, Maryland, I took aim at one hell of a sunset. Dramatic colors, glassy waters, and plenty of objects to compose. Pretty much everything you can ask for. Luck would have it that the timely end of a late afternoon food run allowed me to arrive at this sunset spot ten minutes after sunset. At the perfect time for ideal color. Usually.
About 15 minutes after sundown I made my last bracket of 7 exposures. I only took a grand total of 3 brackets over a span of maybe 3 minutes. For whatever reason I just wasn’t comfortable loitering around this new locale and busted loose with great haste after only a few minutes of shooting. In doing so the sky did something weird. It got brighter and more colorful. And while I readily admit the color always improves after the sun goes down, I’ve yet to see the sky do this. Where it amplifies to this degree some 20 plus minutes after sunset. And sure I am really happy with my shot, I’m just bummed knowing I missed out on capturing an even more dramatic brand of sky.
Next time, Gadget. Next time.
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