Pastel and glass at sunset on the marsh. Cotton candy spun across the sky looking down upon its mirrored reflection. Serenity now, and to hell with the insanity later. Marsh grasses flex gently in the slightest of breeze, a hint of baby’s breath to complete the tableau. Exhale and smile—it is summer on the salt marsh.
There was nothing too crazy in the execution of this photograph. Tripod and 14mm lens. The former set to a height of about four feet, and the latter dialed in to maximize hyperfocal distance with an aperture of f/8. From there a simple check to get leveled out and then popping off seven bracketed exposures, a one step separation between each. With the lazy shutter on the final bracket allowing more light to illuminate the marsh grass, giving the ghosting effect demonstrating movement. Bringing the baby’s breath breeze into the frame. It is the only hint of motion in an otherwise still scene.
When Mother Nature shows up with a perfect mix of elements execution is simple. It’s a point and shoot situation, and your job is to know where to stand.
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