A space for photography and expression

  • The June Palette

    The June Palette

    Nothing beats the look when the salt marsh powers back up to full strength as it radiates a fresh green color like no other. It’s so fresh and full of life, it’s total rejuvenation right before the eyes. And the way it plays with the blues and pastels at sunset is unlike anything else. It’s…

  • Shaken


    New Jersey photographer Greg Molyneux shares his latest hospital scare the day after capturing a sunset out on Cedar Run Dock Road salt marsh. Heart issues continue to weigh heavily on his mind, and has him shaken to the core. Stay healthy out there, and take care of yourselves, my friends.

  • Rolling On

    Rolling On

    Sometimes all you need as an evening jog, some Star Wars audiobooks, chicken tenders, and some attention grabbing clouds and then, boom, a 14mm sunset photograph over Cedar Run Dock Road salt marsh in mid May happens. The sky lit up in pink pastel tones as storm clouds roll across the marsh from the western…

  • Standard Orbit

    Standard Orbit

    The Longwood Gardens conservatory is a sight to behold. The crowning jewel atop acres of grounds fit for any court. It is here I encountered the majestic hanging baskets bursting with hydrangea paced about 20 feet apart. An orbital welcome, a floral chandelier guiding me about this aged, overground manse.

  • Ground Level

    Ground Level

    A springtime visit to Longwood Gardens with close friends is good for the soul. Spring season flowers were in bloom, and the late day golden hour sun danced upon the flower buds. An ideal mix for ground level photographs.

  • The Blind Side of Clarity

    The Blind Side of Clarity

    You need not me to tell you the world is an all out dumpster fire right now. Pandemics, invasions, unchecked authoritarianism, a warming planet, rank incompetence, and on it goes. It all feels a blur, and you are right to fret. But we must hold firm. We must take care of our own and hold…

  • Past Glory

    Past Glory

    Digging into the past. Scratching away at that pleasurable itch of nostalgia. I assume this is a feeling that comes welcomed by us all, though I admit my own Peter Pan bias may be coloring my protracted adolescent glasses a bit here. Regardless, I’m glad to revisit this fiery sunset from November 2021, which I…

  • Second Time Round

    Second Time Round

    Shoot the same shot twice and it’ll never be the same. No matter how hard you try this truth will hold. One of the great rewards of making photographs is the differences, both subtle and great, that arise between exposures. Tactical changes take these differences even further. This brings powerful creativity to the photographer, affording…

  • Winter Turn

    Winter Turn

    Feels like an age since I’ve made eyes with a proper winter scene on the salt marsh. Almost forgot how profoundly calming it can be, even with biting temperatures further sharpened by wind. Let this be the start of a great year of winter photography for southern New Jersey!

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