Fiery sunset smolders over the marsh taken as a landscape HDR photograph

Orange Asunder

Fiery sunset smolders over the marsh taken as a landscape HDR photograph
Orange Asunder — 14mm | f/8 | ISO 100 | 7 Bracketed Exposures

Tonight’s sky, yo. Things were on fire. Smoldering clouds, disjointed and layered, torched in a fiery orange glow. Somewhere lost in time Hephaestus hammers away at his hellforge, sparks igniting the earthly sky of our modern domain. Was this the look the bronze age sky had cast as Achilles’ shield was crafted? All I can say is high drama was the Dock Road scene as a scintillating sunset pulsed upon the marsh.

Tonight getting the shot was the simple part of the process. It was corralling the 7 brackets in post processing that was the challenge. The orange and reds were amped and it took a deal of desaturation, hue, and luminance adjustments to get things under control—lest this be blow out city. Fortunately with a few whip cracks and some deft slider work things were brought back within reason. With that I am happy to close out another productive weekend of shooting. Here’s to a great week.

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