14mm wide angle landscape photo of wind swept salt marsh under cloudy gray skies.

Marsh Moods

14mm wide angle landscape photo of wind swept salt marsh under cloudy gray skies.
Marsh Moods — 14mm | f/8 | ISO 100 | EXP 1.3 sec

The winds blew stiff and true; 20+ mph sustained if I had to guess. The bluster working over Cedar Run Dock Road salt marsh out of the northeast. Marsh grasses undulating southward in a great pulsing bow, unable to hold sway against the rushing tide of air. Ceaseless the weather worked; gray clouds building from south to north, fought back only by the winds intent upon a rearguard action.

By June standards temperatures were brisk. The skies were dark and brooding, and yet observing I could help not but notice the life and energy present. The greening salt marsh juxtaposed a dose of color and lightness against a looming scene. The bending marsh grass, most noticeable in the foreground, shows movement—shows wind. It is a testament to air power. This movement, too, depicts the green of new life renewing the marsh in spite of darkened gray skies. It is a fist of defiance against a marsh mood full of ruination.

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