American Gothic Statuary

A photograph of a fiery sunset backlighting the American Gothic display at New Jersey's Grounds for Sculpture. True to the look of the original painting, here the famous farmers are depicted in larger than life cast bronze statuary.
American Gothic Statuary — 40mm | f/8 | ISO 320 | EXP 1/40

Get thee to the Grounds for Sculpture

Cloistered within New Jersey Transit’s Hamilton Station and various nondescript warehouses and factories, resides a 42-acre sculpture garden just waiting for an afternoon of artistic exploration. Seriously New Jersey, this is a great way to spend your waking hours and working dollars. Thoughtfully placed about the property, resides all kinds of bronze cast sculpture of hyper realistic humans frozen in time in their daily lives. From couples picnicking in the woods, to painters hard at work on the museum walls, and even a business man hiding behind some trees just trying to relieve himself, it’s got it all. With plenty of pieces of abstraction if that’s your thing, too.

You want big? It’s got a several iconic moments of americana captured larger than life—much larger than life. From the American Gothic display as photographed above, to a massive Marilyn Monroe upskirt, and the famous scene of the sailor kissing that random woman in Times Square on V-J Day. It’s even got an awesome French restaurant. I can’t wait to get back.

In the interest of full disclosure, this photographed scene reminded me more of Green Acres than American Gothic. But then again, I’m not much for culture.





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